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 Hurry up to the water...   Hurry up to the water...   Jiří Semenec  We have here the weather like at the seaside.So do not let persuade and go to the lake. The water is water. 
 Principles of the right sauning.   Principles of the right sauning.   Gabriela Vávrů  It is necessary keep several basic rules before the enter to the sauna and during the being in the sauna.This rules can help us to our target- good hardened efect. 
 SOLARIUM – hrozba nebezpečí?!   SOLARIUM – hrozba nebezpečí?!   Gabriela Vávrů  Cult of brown body enters on the scene in the every summer period of time. Not only women desires for brown body. Men too. Some of people sunbathe on czech beaches or on the banks of lakes, happier ones at the seaside abroad and the others in the solarium. 
 Summer calls to the swim suits.   Summer calls to the swim suits.   Gabriela Vávrů  Everybody is looking forward to taking a sun on the sand beach after the long winter. It is not important , if this will be here in Bohemia or abroad. Czech places are beautifulls and perfect for recreation and summer idling. 
 Summer calls to water, summer calls to swimsuit!   Summer calls to water, summer calls to swimsuit!   Gabriela Vávrů  We will not have so much sun in the summer in Czech republic like it is in another south states. We are looking forward to swim every year. It is not important, if we are younger or older age. Women try to reduce weight before the summer season. We want from men to admire our attractive body. 
 Summer most pleasant season.   Summer most pleasant season.   Gabriela Vávrů  Every season has its own charm and attraction. When is saying summer, eyes will light up to everybody and smile will appear in the face. Summer is put together with bathing, sun and good feeling. Students will remember their summer holiday , working people time holiday and recreation. Time of live is put together with the warm , summer months. People are more active in the summer and sport acitvites manage its top. There are no better months for sports activities and pumping energy , that is June, July and August. 
 When it is said SAUNA.   When it is said SAUNA.   Gabriela Vávrů  Sauna is establishment for health for the relaxation aim. It is not so spread at us like in another for her native country - Finland. It has been very visiting. 
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Joke for smile:

Žena si stěžuje u lékaře: "Pane doktore, trpím impotencí!" "Nespletla jste se?! Jste přece žena... " "Nespletla - manžel je impotentní a já trpím!"

Ovládneme-li se v přítomnosti ženy, máme dvě možnosti: malou, že to ocení, a velkou, že nás bude považovat za hlupáka. Neovládneme-li se však, máme také dvě možnosti: malou, že nám to bude zazlívat, a velkou, že nám to nebude zazlívat.
(Curt Goetz)

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