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 Aromatic sticks and esencial oils.   Aromatic sticks and esencial oils.   Gabriela Vávrů  The aromatic sticks and esencial oils can help us feeling better. They make pleasant relaxion in the time, when we are tired after the hard work or, when we need to have clean head after the hard business homeworks. 
 Do you manage control your dreams?   Do you manage control your dreams?   Gabriela Vávrů  My mother dreams often unusuall thing. She was evertime in the castle and she thought, that it is very known her, but in the fact, she can never be in this catle. Everytime she had to go over the chapel,which used like family crypt. she went single rooms of castle in every of these dreams. She did not meet anybody, but she feeled, that this palce is route known for her. In the fact, she never saw this castle. 
 How is important to do the time for relaxy.   How is important to do the time for relaxy.   Gabriela Vávrů  Few people relax for having new powers in this civilsation world. Technique innovation is spred by blistering speed in the for of new computer technologies on the one side and on the second side people spent still much time by work activities. 
 Is dream the reality or only the play of our subconscious?   Is dream the reality or only the play of our subconscious?   Gabriela Vávrů  You will woke up in the morning and the dream, which you have during the night will not give you the quiet.You have to think about it, if it is not any else profundity meaning in its sense. Dream is the thing, which is not quite scientificly researching... 
 Music gives us happy.   Music gives us happy.   Gabriela Vávrů  Music is one of accesories for relax. People listen to music from old days. It is not important kind of music, because everybody likes something else. Music was changed in depend of development like people looked on the world. We like listening music, when we are sad and when we are festive we like listening something nice too. Music manages improve feeling , inhibit depressions , abate anger and even along science experiments inhibit aggression. 
 Sex like excellent ralaxation technik.   Sex like excellent ralaxation technik.   Gabriela Vávrů  Sex games belong among relaxation methods. Seldom strikes this. Sex games with partner can positive influence our psyche. Sex will extricate whole body and brain from every days ´anxieties and problems, which we must brave in the common work day. 
 Sleeping gives us energy, sleeping is therapeutic.   Sleeping gives us energy, sleeping is therapeutic.   Gabriela Vávrů  Sleeping is one of the basic physiology requirement. We must sleep.Sleeping is the relaxation matter.Time, when we sleep is important for giving our body the new energy for another day. 
 Tiredness and light.   Tiredness and light.   Gabriela Vávrů  People feel often tired without the visible cause. They think, that they are ill, over working or that they have the physical problems. The fact cause can be banal character. 
 What will say the colours.   What will say the colours.   Gabriela Vávrů  People see colours by eyes - visual organ. Brain accepts these instigation carefully and it manages separate colours by the neurons and on the basic of coulours the bain transmit " emotional experiences" - so make some reaction of organism. 
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Joke for smile:

Dva Skoti seděli u baru. "Až umřu," povídá ten starší, "polej můj hrob nejlepší skotskou whiskou." "To pro tebe určitě udělám," řekl mladší Skot. "Ale... nebude ti vadit, když ta whisky nejdřív projde mýma ledvinama?"

Chyby a omyly těch druhých jsou vždycky důvodem k radosti.
(Gide André)

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