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 Allergy on the foods- what with this sprad problem?   Allergy on the foods- what with this sprad problem?   Gabriela Vávrů  Alergii on the food has very many people of czech population.We became used on the alegriies from dust or pollen. The flowers and trees will become blossoming, home animals will give away from the home, dust will destroy by cleaning, but eat? We must eat... 
 Appetite and whole fridge shakes!   Appetite and whole fridge shakes!   Gabriela Vávrů  Appetite is the most often reason, why we succumb every day to fat and sweet meals. 
 Are you pursue of the meal on every step?   Are you pursue of the meal on every step?   Gabriela Vávrů  The problem of the thick population in the Czech republic is not given only by traditionall fat, czech meals, but till by the way which we consume the meals. 
 Attention cake- do not afraid it!   Attention cake- do not afraid it!   Gabriela Vávrů  You can choose the light variant instead of very fat and sweet cakes. I believe, that it is hard resist - we are the women, which love sweets. 
 Attention on the sun, it is dangerous in the spring.   Attention on the sun, it is dangerous in the spring.   Gabriela Vávrů  We are happy, that the winter is over in the beginning of the spring months. We show our body on the sun. Very little people has so resisting skin for not having the alergic reaction. Type of the skin is not same at all people. We can separate people to the four section along the type of their skin. The tape of their skin says, how long they can spend their time on the sun. 
 Be pretty not mean be slim!   Be pretty not mean be slim!   Gabriela Vávrů  Every women want to fell sexy and look the best like Claudia Shiffer or another world best-known model girl.It is sad, tha the ideo of beuaty is an idea of being slim.If I am slim, I am beauty, sexy and atracttive for men. 
 BIO- Ecologyly health food.   BIO- Ecologyly health food.   Gabriela Vávrů  There are the counter with the racional food in the biger supermarkets. Some of the people go fast around this section of food, another are curious and they will stop and look nearer on these products.Some of us are very surprise, how many kind of the health foods exist and , that the cost of these products is very expensive too. 
 Can I eat healty, when I can not cook?   Can I eat healty, when I can not cook?   Gabriela Vávrů  Is it possble eat healthy from the freeze, before doing meals, which we can buy in the supermarkets like are pizza, hamburgers,dehydrate soaps or tins?Every housewife has this question, when the Saturday lunch will finished in the basket, becuase it is not for eating. 
 Cellulitis and what do wit it.   Cellulitis and what do wit it.   Gabriela Vávrů  Problem name cellulitis vexs every second woman. It is very often phenomen in the older age. Orange skin - it is the name, which use for indicate of this defect on the beauty. You can try to solve sucesfull this problem. 
 Cellulitis and what do with it.Part II.   Cellulitis and what do with it.Part II.   Gabriela Vávrů  There are a lot of creams for fight with the celullitis problem on the fair.These creams are the slimbody creams too. A lot of them have the products from chaluha / the sea weed, extract from papaya or ananas or from the ivy leaves. Every these products have one same character, they can analyse the fat cells. 
 Cleaning of the organism.   Cleaning of the organism.   Gabriela Vávrů  It is necessary cleaning the organism form every toxic and outlet substances. Who eat racional along the conditions of health eating does not need the cleaning procedure so often like man , who will eat many fat and sweet foods. 
 Do not afraid going to the restaurand, you need not be thick?   Do not afraid going to the restaurand, you need not be thick?   Gabriela Vávrů  You would like to go to the restaurand with your partner or friends, but you can not, becuase your health, life style defends you. You prefer the health eating. You health, life stly do not mean, that you can not go to restaurand or give here only the mattoni water or coffee. 
 Do you buy in the second hands?   Do you buy in the second hands?   Gabriela Vávrů  Do you buy in the second hands?It is known, that some known celebrities buys some pieces of their clothes in the second hand shops. You need to be bashful, that you come to this shops. 
 Do you have a coffee?   Do you have a coffee?   Gabriela Vávrů  Coffee is very popular drink on all over the world. It is known by its encouraging effect force on the people organism. It is found by people from manager, clearks, riders and sports profesion.It is legal for given us energy and so our brain is agile and more in the perception. You sure know it , when you will wake up very tired after the long night...- coffee will help you. 
 Do you want to be a model girl, fitness girl or both?   Do you want to be a model girl, fitness girl or both?   Jiří Semenec  Mybe it looks like the peculiar question, but if you think about it, you will try that it is not so far from the thing. It is not a big problem get to the modeling world with the fitness body.So, that is why being the fitness woman, if you want to be the model girl. 
 Emulsifier, hidden hazard   Emulsifier, hidden hazard   Gabriela Vávrů  Do you want to buy some sweet to your children? Do you like biscuits, chips or bonbons? Are you afraid of surplus wieght and this is why you do not consume these products? 
 FAST FOOD yes, or no?!   FAST FOOD yes, or no?!   Gabriela Vávrů  Fast food reataurand is usually in every biger towns and cities. 
 Fat burners delusion or fact?   Fat burners delusion or fact?   Gabriela Vávrů  It was seen the advertisement, which offers like the constitutient of reduce diets component, which manages destroy fats from the meal, which we will eat. Is it another enticement on money or this vindication is established on the scientific aspects? 
 Fat- our friend or our enemy?   Fat- our friend or our enemy?   Gabriela Vávrů  We can specify with the help of modern medical institution how much procent of the fat we have in our body. You need not afraid of this method... 
 Fats.   Fats.   Gabriela Vávrů  You risk your healt, if you reduce fats on minimum for a long time.We need minimum quality fats. Women need fats for their fertility, which is depend on the measure of fats in women ´s oraganism. So, do not try cancel every fats from your food plan! 
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Joke for smile:

Přijde matka s dítětem do hračkářství a svěřuje se, že mu včera koupila puzzle, ale dítě to poskládalo za dvě hodiny a teď už zase nemá co dělat. Tak víte co? odpoví prodavačka, kupte mu 20 deka strouhanky a ať zkusí poskládat rohlík!

Jinak voní seno koním a jinak zamilovaným.

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