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Abdomen,thights,back-it is horror! Abdomen,thights,back-it is horror!  Gabriela Vávrů  Looking at the mirror it is very unpleasant experience for me. Thick thights, back like melon and abdomen- like blow-up ball. This and similar words speak women every day, when they looked at the mirror on their figure. If they do not say them aloud, they think it. 
Adulthood... Adulthood...  Gabriela Vávrů  When you were the small girl, you had have wanted big like you mummy.Adulthood enticed. Almots every small girl wanted to be a princess and believe, that a handsome princess will arrive for her on the white hose. When you were older, the idea about the handsome princess is lost. Be satisfied with Charles Winter, which will came the engineer is better than nothing. World will change us our ideas from childhood. 
Allergy on the foods- what with this sprad problem? Allergy on the foods- what with this sprad problem?  Gabriela Vávrů  Alergii on the food has very many people of czech population.We became used on the alegriies from dust or pollen. The flowers and trees will become blossoming, home animals will give away from the home, dust will destroy by cleaning, but eat? We must eat... 
Animal not only for children-Zoo part II Animal not only for children-Zoo part II  Gabriela Vávrů  We will say something little about the other, what you can see in this magic, beaufitull Zoo. 
Animals not only for the children-ZOO part I. Animals not only for the children-ZOO part I.  Gabriela Vávrů  You shold visit sure this magic place. It is sutable for the children, but it is beautifull for the adults too. This Zoo has the charakteristics magic in the way, which gives the pleasure for the people. 
Appetite and whole fridge shakes! Appetite and whole fridge shakes!  Gabriela Vávrů  Appetite is the most often reason, why we succumb every day to fat and sweet meals. 
Are the" fat burners" only fraud and lure on the money? Are the" fat burners" only fraud and lure on the money?  Gabriela Vávrů  The women want to have the atractive figure in very short time period. They try very ways, how be beuatifull and slim. But every ways are not good. Yes, it is so.They waste many moneys for buying the machines , which promise to being slim, for the miraculous soaps or various pills for being slim. The women want to get fast and without the work to their target. And the reuslt? It is not efective and in the worse matter they have about one or two kilos more. 
Are you not slim? And what you can do with this fact? Are you not slim? And what you can do with this fact?  Gabriela Vávrů  Are you sad, that you are not slim, you are not half-slim, but you are thick. You are afraid for looking at the mirror, so you want to cancel, broke the last mirror, which is in the bathroom. Do not be afraid , we are here for helping you with this problem. 
Are you not slim? Try the stacionare bicycle! Are you not slim? Try the stacionare bicycle!  Gabriela Vávrů  There are a lot of postivie parts for buying the stacionare bicycle for exercising home. You can training on the stacionare bicycle everywhere and everytime.You can take it yourself on the chalet, where you want to spend one week. Why do not spend the week on the chalet by activity? 
Are you pursue of the meal on every step? Are you pursue of the meal on every step?  Gabriela Vávrů  The problem of the thick population in the Czech republic is not given only by traditionall fat, czech meals, but till by the way which we consume the meals. 
Are you virgin and what ? Are you virgin and what ?  Gabriela Vávrů  Are you bashful, that you are not sixteen year old, but you are still virgin? Are you bashful because your friends have their first sexual experience over? Do you meet man of your dream, but you are afraid of his response after you will say him this fact? Will he not look at you like on the madwoman? Are you afraid, that you will be discrediton... 
Aromatic sticks and esencial oils. Aromatic sticks and esencial oils.  Gabriela Vávrů  The aromatic sticks and esencial oils can help us feeling better. They make pleasant relaxion in the time, when we are tired after the hard work or, when we need to have clean head after the hard business homeworks. 
Attention cake- do not afraid it! Attention cake- do not afraid it!  Gabriela Vávrů  You can choose the light variant instead of very fat and sweet cakes. I believe, that it is hard resist - we are the women, which love sweets. 
Attention on the sun, it is dangerous in the spring. Attention on the sun, it is dangerous in the spring.  Gabriela Vávrů  We are happy, that the winter is over in the beginning of the spring months. We show our body on the sun. Very little people has so resisting skin for not having the alergic reaction. Type of the skin is not same at all people. We can separate people to the four section along the type of their skin. The tape of their skin says, how long they can spend their time on the sun. 
Be pretty not mean be slim! Be pretty not mean be slim!  Gabriela Vávrů  Every women want to fell sexy and look the best like Claudia Shiffer or another world best-known model girl.It is sad, tha the ideo of beuaty is an idea of being slim.If I am slim, I am beauty, sexy and atracttive for men. 
Beauty of Orlické mountain. Beauty of Orlické mountain.  Gabriela Vávrů  Do you not know, where travel in the summer? Do you not have a money for abroad holiday? Persuade you about truth of affirmation , everywhere good, best at home. No, we do not make a humour. This affirmation need not mean, that the best is in your good cleaning living room, but it can mean beauty of czech country. Bohemia has so many nice places, which payed for being visited. 
Before you will go on our first bicykle riding after the Winter. Before you will go on our first bicykle riding after the Winter.  Gabriela Vávrů  If you are the people, which will ride on the bicycle with the first flash of the sun and ride for the adventure , this article is written for you. 
BIO- Ecologyly health food. BIO- Ecologyly health food.  Gabriela Vávrů  There are the counter with the racional food in the biger supermarkets. Some of the people go fast around this section of food, another are curious and they will stop and look nearer on these products.Some of us are very surprise, how many kind of the health foods exist and , that the cost of these products is very expensive too. 
Boost- is blamed for fact,that we are thick? Boost- is blamed for fact,that we are thick?  Gabriela Vávrů  You see it before you- slim blondie at the boat with the sexy boy and mix of salt delicacy. Who would stand up to it. And Algida- it has the chocolate heart. Algida offers you lick me. 
Can be the target slim individual part of the body? Can be the target slim individual part of the body?  Gabriela Vávrů  I do not know women, which is 100% satisfied with her body. One wants bigger breasts, else wants to have smaller rear, flat abdomen and another one smaller thighs. Every women want to be perfect like corporate idea says - that is ideal women. 
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Joke for smile:

Přijde pán k holiči a na hlavě má jen tři vlasy a chce učesat. Holič povídá: "Tak to dáme jeden vlas doleva, jeden doprava a jeden necháme rovně." Přitom mu jeden vytrhne. Hned se omlouvá a povídá: "No dáme jeden doprava a jeden doleva". A opět mu jeden vytrhne. Opět se omlouvá, načež pán praví: "Nechte to být já radši půjdu rozcuchaný."

Abys byl zdráv, musíš snést mnoho bolesti.
(Publius Ovidius Naso)

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