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 Do not afraid of dumbbells , it is a good thing at the exercise!   Do not afraid of dumbbells , it is a good thing at the exercise!   Gabriela Vávrů  Women think, that dumbbells belong only to the men hands. That is why they do not go to the dumbbells at the fit gym and they do endurance activities like is bycicle riding, stepper or running belt. These are good exercise machines for burning fat, but it is necessary more for forming every body. Fat must be change by muscular mass. In this case will body look slim and sexy. 
 do not mistake the Fitness, Wellnes and Bodybuilding.   do not mistake the Fitness, Wellnes and Bodybuilding.   Gabriela Vávrů  Many people mistake these three words and that is why many people idea some else then these words mean. We will explain you the different between the fitness, welness and bodybuilding sports. 
 Fit gym like relaxation after the work.   Fit gym like relaxation after the work.   Gabriela Vávrů  Do you strike to think about people, which you regulary meet at the fit gym? I believe, that you can know, which of the visitors are begginers and who not. 
 How be at the comunity of people in the fit gym.   How be at the comunity of people in the fit gym.   Gabriela Vávrů  How be at the comunity of people in the fit gym. 
 HOW EXERCISE- I go to fit gym for the first.   HOW EXERCISE- I go to fit gym for the first.   Gabriela Vávrů  You did the first step and it is your decide to do something for your body, good feeling and helthy. You do not know how exercise, where start and what then. How take one´s bearings in so big quantity of the body machines. You think about fact, how exercise, which weigh loading use and you have many similar questions. 
 How choose the best fit gym.   How choose the best fit gym.   Gabriela Vávrů  Before you will enter to the room of fit gym, which are often repudiate by women, it is good to go more this establishments. So, you can find , what can every fit gyms offer you. Everybody will suit something else. 
 How choose the best training competitor fo the fit gym.   How choose the best training competitor fo the fit gym.   Gabriela Vávrů  You think about the using of services of profesional training competitor. You want to have the best result with the reduce of the weight and have the atractive body. You do not know, where find such training competitor and which standards shall he realizable. We will advise you. 
 How often go to the fit gym?   How often go to the fit gym?   Gabriela Vávrů  A Lots of women come with the question how often is necessary to go to the fit gym for being the exercise the most efective and have the permanent character. It shall not be hurry for anything and this will pay about the exercise too. Everything much harm. When you exercise much and do the strong, hard trainings you can grievous bodily harm yourself. It pays especially , if you start with exercise. 
 How often go to the fit gym? Part II.   How often go to the fit gym? Part II.   Gabriela Vávrů  You hope, that you do not take the inspiration from czech or abroad bodybuildings!!! Several from them are possible exercisem daily, the hard training several hours in the fit gym. You want to know, how it is possible? 
 On what be carefull in fit gym, when it is summer?   On what be carefull in fit gym, when it is summer?   Gabriela Vávrů  We want to do the out door sport activities like bicykle, swimming or running when it is the sunny, summer day. There are the women among us, which does not want to finish theirs sport activities in the fit gym during the summer. 
 Positive and negative of exercise in fit gym. Part I.   Positive and negative of exercise in fit gym. Part I.   Gabriela Vávrů  The execising in the fit gym has it owns postivie and negative like probably everything in the people life. It is procurable for exercising in the fit gym for the generally public, it is one of the positive thing. 
 Positive and negative of exercise in the fit gym. Part III.   Positive and negative of exercise in the fit gym. Part III.   Gabriela Vávrů  We can find less negative on the second side of positive. You must go to fit gym everytime. You need not have the good mood every day. So you need more motivation for going to fit gym. When I enter to the door of fit gym, I will not return and go to exercise by hard training my body. It helps me. 
 Positive and negative pages of exercise in the fit gym.Part II.   Positive and negative pages of exercise in the fit gym.Part II.   Gabriela Vávrů  The work time of fit gyms are usually longer. In the morning times to afternoon times till to the evening times. It is good for working people, which want to go exercies to fit gym centre. It can go exerciese the manager /in the evening hours/ like the students or hosehold women in the morning hours. 
 Refreshments in the fit gym.   Refreshments in the fit gym.   Gabriela Vávrů  It is usually the table with the refreshments in the fit gym. It has title the "bar". Do not be afraid you will not find here the alcoholic drinks. 
 Will I look like Claudia Shiffer, when I will exercies in the fi   Will I look like Claudia Shiffer, when I will exercies in the fi   Gabriela Vávrů  We watch the television, where the model girls go along the stage. They are very slim on the bone and the looking on the ribs are not impresive. It is the fashion dictation. This dictation show us, what it just in and dictation us what is beaufifull on the women and try to convince us, that it is the ideal of women perfection. 
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Joke for smile:

Adam se ptá Pána Boha: Proč jsi stvořil Evu tak krásnou? No, přece abys ji mohl milovat! Pane Bože, ale proč tak hloupou? No přece aby ona mohla milovat tebe!

Míň hřeší ta, jež hřešit smí.
(Publius Ovidius Naso)

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