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When the Christmas are over.
When the Christmas are over.
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Lead by the emaciate
Lead by the emaciate

Spinning is very popular in Czech republic.
Spinning is very popular in Czech republic.

Do not afraid of dumbbells , it is a good thing at the exercise!
Do not afraid of dumbbells , it is a good thing at the exercise!

Kalanetika- exercise for forming whole body.
Kalanetika- exercise for forming whole body.

Ruler skates it is the right!
Ruler skates it is the right!

How be at the comunity of people in the fit gym.
How be at the comunity of people in the fit gym.

Fit gym like relaxation after the work.
Fit gym like relaxation after the work.

Can be the target slim individual part of the body?
Can be the target slim individual part of the body?

Man do not want to have the perfect woman at home.
Man do not want to have the perfect woman at home.

Abdomen,thights,back-it is horror!
Abdomen,thights,back-it is horror!

The biggest lies in the region of exercise and nourishment.
The biggest lies in the region of exercise and nourishment.

Is it possible change very part of the humanic body?
Is it possible change very part of the humanic body?

Joke for smile:

"Ty nemáš nepříjemnosti s manželkou, když se vrátíš domů pozdě v noci?" "Ne. Já se s ní vždycky vsadím, že přijdu brzo, a ona má pak radost, že vyhrála."

Neobyčejně krásné ženy udivují druhý den méně.

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Anastasia D.