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 Are you not slim? Try the stacionare bicycle!   Are you not slim? Try the stacionare bicycle!   Gabriela Vávrů  There are a lot of postivie parts for buying the stacionare bicycle for exercising home. You can training on the stacionare bicycle everywhere and everytime.You can take it yourself on the chalet, where you want to spend one week. Why do not spend the week on the chalet by activity? 
 How exercise home the most efective?   How exercise home the most efective?   Gabriela Vávrů  Many women try to find the best variant of exercise for them, which they can do in the home teritory. Why they want to exercise home are different. 
 Kalanetika- exercise for forming whole body.   Kalanetika- exercise for forming whole body.   Gabriela Vávrů  Kalanetika is one of exercise processing, which you can use for exercise home. You can go to fit gyms for kalanetika lesson. Kalanetika was spred like accessory of aerobik and new form of augmentation exercise. It is good for hardening of body ´s problem parts. 
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Joke for smile:

Jde parkem chlapík s jezevčíkem a naproti se blíží chlap s bulteriérem. Ten s bulteriérem říká tomu s jezevčíkem: - Prosím vás, běžte jinam s tím psem, protože jinak bude zle! Chlapík ale neuhne, a jak psi procházejí vedle sebe, strhne se strašná rvačka. Za chvíli vyběhne z oblaku prachu jezevčík a v tlamě drží tlapu bulteriéra. Jeho majitel se zhrozí: - Proboha, vždyť mě ten pes stál třicet tisíc!" Chlapík s jezevčíkem: - A můj stál dvě stě tisíc! - Proboha, co na tom psu stálo dvě stě tisíc? - No ... sto tisíc KROKODÝL a sto tisíc PLASTIKA!

Ránu, jež nedá se zhojit, je třeba mečem vytnout, aby se nenakazila nedotčená část.
(Publius Ovidius Naso)

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Danielle Bird