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Exercise at the menses, yes or no?

Many women can not change the fact of "their days" - the menses. Some women feel pain some of them does not know about their menses. Often increase taste to the eat is very often problem before the menses. It is because the hormonal level is changed in the body.the headache are usually in the dependent on the menses cycle. How spend this days from the sports acitivities depends on every women individual. Advertisement offers us many kind of menses help with the truthful slogan, that we will not know about this days and so, we can do any sport activities.

Is it true, that menses does not limit us? Is it suitable to go exercise to fit gym?Is it not dangerous go to swim? And what aerobics?

Exercise before the menses can have the suppress effect of the problems, which we have at the menses. We can reduce Headache, unpleasant pile of the liquids, nervos and another unpleasant symptom that menses is coming by sport activities.

Women and girls, which have not any problem during the menses can do arbitraryly the sport acitvity. It shoudl looked to the changes in the organism. Body should not be overwork by high intensity of training.

If you feel unpleasant, it never mind. You can exercise, when the menses will finish. Your muscles will not make up for fat , when you do not exercise for one week. Give to your body the regeneration in the form of relaxation. You can do the relaxation and thins on which you have not enourgh time in any time.

Be carefull by swimming in the pool in the days of menses. You can get the infection, iven if you will used the tampon. Body is weaken in this days and it succumb to every viruses. It depends on on your usages. If somebody has been swimming by menses for several years, it had not been predisposed, it never minds him. How did it the professional swimmers. But it does not pay about every women

It shall not be any problem value this things, becuase every woman knows good her body.

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 27 November, 2002.
Author Info
Gabriela Vávrů
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