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BIO- Ecologyly health food.

There are the counter with the racional food in the biger supermarkets. Some of the people go fast around this section of food, another are curious and they will stop and look nearer on these products.Some of us are very surprise, how many kind of the health foods exist and , that the cost of these products is very expensive too. We can meet here with the foods, which have the title like bio-foods. This save mark shows us, that the foods are from the ecology unexceptionable agriculture. That is why these foods are so expensive. We pay for this save mark. Price of this foods are twice higher than at the common foods. What can offer us in the fact the bio - foods?.

Bio-foods are produced from the raw materials, which are from the bio-farms. Save mark can get only the farmers, which raise their products only on the unexceptionable earth along the strick rules about the unexceptionable raw materials. Potatoe with bio-food must not be raised with the use of any pesticides and another synthetic interventation to the nature.

We shall stand before the products, which should be ecology unexceptionable without the preservation materials, emulgators and another synthetic ingredients. Such foods can be good for allergicall people, which are more and more not only in Czech republic. And Allergie on the synthetic colouring matters is very spread phenomenon.

The investment will really pay in the alone consequence.You eat with the feeling, that you do really maximum for your body.There are the soya products among the bio-foods. It was very stormy conversation - eat soya or not eat? Are the soya products modification- genetic modification?

We need not be afraid of modification soya today.Every product must be indicate, in the case, that it is really fact. Consumer must be inform about this facts. Consumer alone will decide which products will pay.

We will meet with the healthy kind of common foods by the bio- foods. But we will explore such another kinds of flour, than these, which we common know and use. Try new things- result can be surprise.

We have only one health and it is important.I am afraid, we see it sometimes, when it is soo late. Do not afraid decide about your health- health of the modern man means health, unexceptionable board.

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 27 November, 2002.
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Gabriela Vávrů
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