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How prevent harm of the body. Part IV.
How prevent harm of the body. Part IV.
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 Adulthood...   Adulthood...   Gabriela Vávrů  When you were the small girl, you had have wanted big like you mummy.Adulthood enticed. Almots every small girl wanted to be a princess and believe, that a handsome princess will arrive for her on the white hose. When you were older, the idea about the handsome princess is lost. Be satisfied with Charles Winter, which will came the engineer is better than nothing. World will change us our ideas from childhood. 
 Boost- is blamed for fact,that we are thick?   Boost- is blamed for fact,that we are thick?   Gabriela Vávrů  You see it before you- slim blondie at the boat with the sexy boy and mix of salt delicacy. Who would stand up to it. And Algida- it has the chocolate heart. Algida offers you lick me. 
 Crooked look on the beauty in the modeling world   Crooked look on the beauty in the modeling world   Gabriela Vávrů  Women, which are slim are consider to be epitome of sexual appetency. Women with height 175cm , weight 50kilos , long leg, blonde hair, white teeth are the most attractive along the last examination. Does it remind you beuties rattle by bones from the modeling show rooms? 
 Did you give some resolution to the new year?   Did you give some resolution to the new year?   Gabriela Vávrů  Year is over and we have here another. What waits us and what will not pass us? Many personage from the political and public life ask this question every year and try to find the true answer. we can find in the end of every year, if our idea realized. 
 Divorce necessity- why is more divorce marriage.   Divorce necessity- why is more divorce marriage.   Gabriela Vávrů  Sometimes I wonder, whey people enter to the marriage. Many of my kiths have bad marriage over. Man can think, that marriage must mean necessary destruction of the relationship. 
 Do you believe, that Santa Claus is exist- or not?   Do you believe, that Santa Claus is exist- or not?   Gabriela Vávrů  Do you remember, when you were small children and waiting, that the Santa Claus will come. You were very inquisitive- what the Santa Claus will bring you under the christmas tree. Mum, when will come Santa Claus and how he looks? 
 Do you let make your body better?   Do you let make your body better?   Jiří Semenec  You will look at the mirror and then you will say, that it wants to have biger breast, less of the fat on the abdomen and so on. Every women is not satisfied, how she looks and the word of admiration from her partner or friend are not important for her. It is important for her the old longing after the harmony and perfection. The women want to be for ever prettier. Everything is possible change and they are several ways to this...... 
 Do you like Christmas?   Do you like Christmas?   Gabriela Vávrů  You sure see the christmas tree, presents, carp and a lot of nice tales, when it is said the word "Christmas".Among us exist the people, which are nervous at the first sound of christmas carols and when they see the beautifull christmas shop windows. They have not the trust escape... 
 Do you think about any animal darling?   Do you think about any animal darling?   Gabriela Vávrů  Do you feel alone, do you make the delightfull or only restore to life the stereotype circulation in the family?.Then you sure think about buying some family animal darling.Probably dog, cat, bird or only some mouse. You can choose from very big kind of animals. You can choose from the small or huge animals. 
 Four rules for pleasant feastdays.   Four rules for pleasant feastdays.   Gabriela Vávrů  Do not clean, wash the windows and do not do another unnecessary cleaning. It is not important, that your neihbour manage to make fifteen kinds of christmas sweets. You need not have so much kinds. 
 Give little mouse under the christmas tree.   Give little mouse under the christmas tree.   Gabriela Vávrů  Christmas was for me the time of quiet, relaxation,strain and fragrant sweets this year same like the last year. Yes, I like sweets. 
 Good employment.   Good employment.   Gabriela Vávrů  It is not easy having good empolyment in this period time. Practice and university education will not help in the many cases. It is common, that man , which studies profession for many years , must work in the quite different domain, which has not anything together with studied orientation. 
 Home darling animal.   Home darling animal.   Gabriela Vávrů  Does your child vex you: " mother, father I want a dog? Do you beaur up of appeals and wishfull eyes of your descendant? Do you offen hear the promises:" I will improve my learning , I will clean regulary? So you are on the good way to lunatic asylum or you will have to buy first dog, which will come around you. 
 How do you like MISS 2002?   How do you like MISS 2002?   Jiří Semenec  The first I set with my partner at the television and I did not guess, which of them is the prettiest.We were the fan of Lenka Taussigová at first, but how self-realince increase her... Although this I was like, that she has sucessfull. It was seen how everybody are nervous there...... 
 How stop the time.   How stop the time.   Gabriela Vávrů  We like reading the pages in the magazines, where have the photos beautifull models and actresses. Women, which are thirty years old look on twenty years and which are fifty years old look on thirty years. How they manage look so young? Many women think, when I will have so much money...They sure spend much money for the cosmetics, pills for being slim and another things for being young and actracctiv. The plastic surgeon can help too. 
 Child and pocket money.   Child and pocket money.   Gabriela Vávrů  Do you know situation, when child will arrive form school and complains, that its schoolmate has bigger pocket many than itself? It is very actuall a problem of pocket money now. Small children in the first class get pocket money. Several children get enough high sums. 
 Christmas are not about the common things.   Christmas are not about the common things.   Gabriela Vávrů  The Christmas holidays means for me several days free from the common, day ´s solicitudes. We return to the childhood - we are looking forward to presents under the christmas tree and it is not important how ald are you. We like to have a sweets - several pieces of the sweet will not injure anybody. It is nucessary relished the Christmas with the every specifics signs and having sweets belong to them sure. 
 Christmas holidays.   Christmas holidays.   Jiří Semenec  The credo should be - more time for you and your relatives. It is true, that many people forget, why we celebrate the christmas and it is natural evolution. We need not be sorry of it. It is good not be expensive presents ´s subordinate to buy. 
 I drove up  cyclist.   I drove up cyclist.   Gabriela Vávrů  I try to bicycle in the one, summer, sunny day. You can drive light from the hills down. It drives almost alone, but the second direction is about enough worse. 
 I wish you a nice, pleasure morning.   I wish you a nice, pleasure morning.   Gabriela Vávrů  You know it. The men will woke up and the new day is beginning. But how it is? It is hard to say. Every minute meets us something new and something what did not have to meet us. 
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Joke for smile:

Šéf dává výpověď dlouholetému zaměstnanci. A proč? Tolik let jsem pro vás poslušně pracoval... vyčítavě konstatuje zaměstnanec. No právě. Těžko už mne můžete něčím překvapit, vysvětluje šéf. Aha... Takže kdybych vás něčím překvapil, tak mne nevyhodíte? Přesně tak. Slibujete? Slibuji. Zaměstnanec pohotově sáhne do kapsy své košile a vytáhne fotku nahé ženy. Podívejte takhle přede mnou před dvěma týdny pózovala vaše manželka!

Jenom když obětujeme hlavu, dobudeme srdce.
(Turecké přísloví)

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